Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How Did I Get Here?

where did all those young people go
when you did not see them for a while
where does this strange person come from
who now greets you in the mirror every day
why have all the dreams deflated
to lie fading, ripped, wet and dirty in the mud
why does sleep begin to fail us
at the time we need it most
when did swimming upstream
give way to treading water
when exactly does the search for meaning devolve
into a mindless quest for numbed out comfort
how did those eyes, once so bright and clear,
become so cloudy and so lifeless
how do our voices, once so rich,
morph into such pointless cackles
what has become, as time passed by unnoticed,
to those who now toil only in the past
what was that lesson, almost completed,
just before this long twilight fell

where did all those dancing footsteps go
we left behind us in the sand
where are those fads of yesterday
we found so real and so important
why are all the roads now closed down
except the one-way that you're driving on
why do all these others, around your age,
look so old and tired
when did that child get up
and simply slip away
when will the voice inside finally say
now it’s time to leave
how can all these things that happen
really make the world grow better every day
how easily can we forget
those that go away without us
what can we do to try
and make up for all the wasted years
what became of that load of worries
that drove us for all that time

where are the many things
that we used most every day
where is the grandma's voice
that soothed the little boy
why is it now such a real task
to simply do our grocery shopping
why do we find ourselves more at funerals
than at the weddings of our friends
when will the truth finally emerge
from this roil of confusion
when did the thoughtless night lights
first hide the Milky Way
how can we justify our inaction
to those that inherit its results
how can our thoughts still be clear and true
when our bodies are so wracked and frail
what tales can we tell each other
to ward off the approaching darkness
what difference did that smile make
in this vast sea of empty faces

where are those fantastic opportunities
presented so appealingly in the glossy media
where are the charismatic mega-fauna headed
as we hunt them down and burn them out
why do I look now to the marketers of heaven
except to try and purchase life insurance for my soul
why do my days seem to focus on some dark pinpoint
instead of towards a window, open to the sun
when does one stop and say at last
now this is the happily ever after
when will the heat stop increasing
in our living blue-green space capsule
how do impoverished babies of confused little girls
grow up to be fit and moral human beings
how much time still remains to do
those things we always knew must really matter
what further savage acts are called for
to spur us on to our duty
what other, higher emotions, must we quietly forsake
just to keep ourselves trudging duly forward

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