Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Took a wrong turn somewhere

Took a wrong turn somewhere off in the cold and dark
Missed the right cutoff real late on that foggy first night
Left the group to look at something shiny
Lost my way nosing about in the weeds

Stepped aside for just one moment
Turned around and you were gone
Stopped to rest and fell behind
Lost the trail as the rain grew chill

Did not pick up where I had left off
Pulled one loose thread and it all unraveled
Took my best shot and got my bell rung, real good
Followed some unmarked shortcut to a boring dead-end

Got driven crazy but then found out that road went in circles
Did not see the signpost where I was supposed to turn
Went out too far and could not swim in
Strayed from the herd and lost the beaten path

Got out front early and broke the wind for the pack
Tired out quickly and fell way off to the back
Somehow lost my place and had to start all over again
Stood for a long time waiting in the wrong line

Fell asleep at the wheel while driving on empty
stayed outside at night for way too long in the rain
could not rest in the darkness and after that, overslept
even missed the deadline for just signing up

dropped the ball on another important project
came up short on the final audit
hatched a plot that quickly spun awry
gambled too much on their harebrained schemes

lost precious time on unexpected detours
turned around three times, laid down and just went to sleep
read a book and missed my station
never would stop to ask for directions

followed a pig-track to a high fence
became an expert at cutting all the wrong corners
never really got my head on quite straight
made a lame error that cost us the game

got in pretty late but still went home quite early
took a long lunch break after perusing the news
curried favor among the losers
fawned upon those who fell from power

held beliefs that hindered my promotions
made statements that upset the tight office team
erased all the good, trying to correct the bad
killed all the flowers right along with the weeds

saved some time but lost a lot of money
knelt to pray but thought about work
stopped to ponder and then was fired
tried to speak despite my age

fought off sleep for all to see
foolishly asked the questions they deliberately left unspoken
made a joke at the wrong moment
talked too loud at some important event

stole a horny glance at the wrong woman
fired under uncertain circumstance
stayed out in the sun too long and too often
bathed too much in others’ dirty water

somehow lost sight of company goals
did not conform like a good team player
took no joy in group weenie roasts
sadly, found no pleasure in playing golf

became bored and restless when things grew routine
poked noisily around outside my concerns
quickly changed channels from important messages
turned off too soon from those in control

thought too much of those faroff Ort clouds
spent too much time pondering the infinitesimal
created belief systems shared with nobody else
expected that reason could, in the end, actually prevail

could not support so-called corporate ‘leaders
went far below and did not re-surface
would not suffer political correctness
never gained traction for my silent agenda

never thought to pray as I lay me down to sleep
forgot to count all of my wayward little sheep
always tried to take the next curve even faster
read too much into the mystery shapes of clouds

stayed too long in some far off land of my dreams
felt too little for the brothers that I worked too hard
foolishly read instead of just watching television
was taught to question but got paid to shut up and obey

took a little time off but did not spend it well
could only despise the corporate agenda
swallowed the hook instead of simply chewing the bait
totally fooled instead of being merely entertained

threw wild punches instead of ducking
a little lost calf that would not bleat
went out the wrong door, never looking back
stayed on the high road beyond the last town

spent more time on the grammar than pondering the meaning
crawled off to die without being hurt
had the right-of-way but I still got flattened
took too much time making my own music

looked away when the flash went off
could not keep my eye on the ball
remained quite blind to the needs of others
was pretty satisfied to just be alone

made loud comments that others deemed inappropriate
swelled with an anger that hindered my progress
always worked towards some fuzzy future something
left standing behind where they do not mow

thought for myself and was ignored
questioned authority and got cuffed quickly down
took my time and finished last
smelled the roses until they all wilted

lived for the moment and my time ran out quickly
held back nothing and grew quite empty
knelt to pray but looked around
stood outside and smoked instead of listening

drove all night in the same city
woke up too early without much to do
found a voice that was both foul and brutal
never outgrew the child inside

went to sleep to the sound of truck traffic
woke up early and smelled the diesel fumes
saw pale sunshine through dirty windows
combed thru the trash that lined all the roads

crept up beside those recently departed
never knowing if it was them or maybe it was me

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