During a moment that I realized much later had simply been wasted
I caught a glimpse of the endless futility in all of my efforts
During an instant when I saw a fleeting outline of what might have
There appeared the lasting realization of my own eternal
During the war I lost my bearings but still kept on obeying every
I saw myself from afar committing those endless acts of horror
During an interval in which life forced me to stop and think
Besides you, I found but little that I could truly count on
During that time when I might as well have been underwater
I saw the surface from below, and it was bright with hazy detail
During the flash I was not sure if I saw at last or had just been
Then came the worry that I had never really known the difference
During an era where I crawled from the baking mud to the steaming
I often looked back with fondness upon the clear blue sea
During a meeting through which I sat as if in deepest torpor
I saw myself actually permitting them to bleed my short time away
During my recovery I realized just how often I had almost died
So I tried on other futures in front of that newly illuminated
During a sunrise in which I found that I was tired through and
It seemed an eternity to yet another evening without rest
During the long trip, all of my normal routines were broken
And slowly I realized how little else was left there, inside of me
During the springtime as I became older
There came the knowledge that I grew more slowly every year
During a dream I convinced myself to no longer be so sure..
Of all those things I was seeing when I thought I was awake
During my illness I finally had the opportunity to ponder
At last I was cured, but my time to act had come and gone
During my short trip there was so much new to see
Arriving back home my eyes quickly closed up, once again
During the morning a birdsong captured my attention
I was quite aware for a moment then fell back into dull normalcy
During a lifetime spent always looking forward to now-forgotten
Abruptly came the instant that would have to last me forever
During my trial I made up no new lies
But parroted the adopted truth of others as an armor of my own
During the time that the sun grew ever hotter
The sandbanks grew too warm to shelter my clutch of eggs
During the snowstorm things were perfectly clear
Then came the next day and once again I was no longer very sure at
In the light before the dawn it seemed as if things could actually
make sense
Then slowly everything dissolved back into that dusty chaos beneath
the hot sun
During the stage where I was forced into thinking, I could not sleep
Mercifully it was decreed that I should not have to be so alive
During the executive speeches I felt an alienation tinged with anomie
Returning to my cubicle I re-donned a simple but protective cynicism
During the excitement I saw the expression of the pitchmen
After the sale, both parties were drained as if by hot sex
During the future things always seem to go faster than before
Luckily the past is not exactly what it once used to be, anymore
During this moment I tried hard merely to pause
I had planned so long for this instant and it was gone in a flash
During these thoughts both our minds wandered off
Now you stray farther taking some part of me with you
During the entire period of my personal devolution
I helped emit photons which must travel on forever thru space
During a particularly comatose and vegetative recreational interlude
I felt I was partially restored by emitting CO2 to make manly noise
During my blindness my hearing became quite acute
I heard you smiling as we lay in each other’s arms, quiet and
During hibernation from critical thinking I slept-walked with all the
Like most, I was never called upon to actually awaken
During the war only simple thoughts of our home could sustain us
Meanwhile we strove to exterminate just those same things of our
During an epoch in which I browsed the floating plants of the ponds
There came the notion that things might not be what they seemed
During a commercial I merely glanced at the time and then went quite
Later in hospital I wished I might have thought of something better
to do
During any form of beat down there was no ambiguity
Then came the might-haves, would-haves, should-haves and could-haves
During that instant as I flew through the air
I thought perhaps there awaited a transcendent moment
During the full moon many things moved around
At that time it was easy for me to happily scuttle about, quite
During the celebration of that final great victory over our satanic
I was struck by surprise at how little we actually knew of them
During a briefing I noted the officials appeared quite cheerful and
Up tempo despite the obvious and unstated facts quite to the
During the monsoon as I sat watching everything washing away
I saw at last the wisdom in this new way of life
During years of study I realized how much smaller my knowledge
So I grew more and more wary of all those who prattled on so very
During the night I was awakened by some terrible unknown inaction
I lay for hours uneasy and then came a merciful unconsciousness
During my so-called career I was silenced by pretexts of
Yet no voices were raised against the many useless, backbiting, lazy
During the end of anesthesia I remember swimming ever upward
I was trying very hard to hold my breath to the surface, far above
During the time when the icicles grew longer by the day
We worried about the pale sun as it kept coming later and leaving
During early June we knew things would always keep getting better
I was convinced I was never meant to grow old like my father
During my last years I tried to remember what I had always wanted
Finally it seemed I was merely waiting for the last thing I would
During the epidemic I helped gather children’s bodies
Soon they began to wave to me from all their grotesque positions
During my first prison sentence I learned from the real masters of
Back on the street I vowed never to be apprehended again
During some party function the vodka finally got the best of me
Three days later I began that long train ride east in a cattle car
During her flight from the conflict she often slept in untended barns
To get a bath she might well have to bargain her wretched self
During his trial the old women hissed and spat
Fatherless children looked to the court for some explanation
During the bombings we huddled and the blood came from our ears
Later we saw that our only drinking well had been totally destroyed
During the long march they lost all contact with their homes
Thusly, was it easier for them to burn distant villages to the
During his lifetime our great leader always pointed out the proper
Without his strict guidance we quickly fell into a savage ethnic
During the fire it grew dark and the smoke tinged all of our thoughts
Reports from far away hinted of a vast destruction
During my pregnancy I was raped and then kicked by the partisans
Later they returned and left me toothless but with child once again
During the hottest part of the day I could find no hope as I toiled
Still, when the merciful clouds brought gentle breezes I felt
spiritually uplifted
During my lifetime I always tried to imagine those billions of years
But in the end, my 3 score and 10 still seemed like the larger part
of forever
During my father’s slow passing we stood carefully, forehead to
As if after long head butting we might at least part in peace
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