Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Life Of Whispers

Stored up a poisonous rage and acidic resentment deep inside myself over external injustices
Bristled as the less timid squeaked out their shortsighted, greedy and furtive leadership deception
Lay in bed late at night and remade the world, got up tired and went tamely off again to my dull job
Grew hoarse deep inside from shouting out the truth, without even raising the slightest whisper

Too timid to open my mouth when it counted, too afraid to really stand up for anything at all
Too insecure to be a leader, too little self-confidence to try for even the second-best schools
Unable to push my way under the lights, wrapped up too tightly in my own silly phobias
Too often called a nothing when I was quite young, drilled on my inabilities, time and again

Too long alone with self-ingrained reproaches, mine was a life of whispers, no one else should hear
Too much time wasted on a foolish depression, overly attentive to meaningless internalities
Afraid to speak out thinking I might sound as stupid as them, yet poisoned by my own angry silence
Peeping shrill protests, but only to myself, shamed into empty muteness by my screaming insecurity

Too willing to just let them rape and waste, con and steal, defile and then righteously pontificate
Cowed into an uneasy and guilty silence by the deeply ground-in knowledge that they are my betters
Unable to be driven by greed and insecurity to back-bite, face-step and ass-kiss my way to the top
Railing only to myself in the empty solitude of long nights, but without releasing the smallest sound

Responding to atrocities, extinctions and propaganda with the merest shake of my head
Harboring secret plans to someday stand up for what I never actually stated out loud I believed in
Too happily turning over mind and senses to endless channel flipping and video games
Abbreviating my thought into chopped soundbite nonsense, constantly tweeting and texting

Never dared organize, distill and commit my complaints publicly for fear of a just ridicule
Jealously would not support others who spoke out, but kept my own words jumbled up inside
Too crippled by internal contradictions to ever get to my feet on my own and speak out at all
Too deeply mired in self-loathing to get beyond a mute mediocrity they treated as tacit acceptance

Lecturing, tutoring and even preaching, but only ever to myself, and just when I was alone
Able to see my own internal contradictions well enough to keep them balled up inside
A life of impotent whispering in dark halls that was never really meant for other’s ears at all
Forced to think in shouts over the idiot noise that gradually drove me deaf, even on the inside

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