Tuesday, November 19, 2013

If I Had Nothing To Say

If I had nothing to say
I have said it all already
If I was born to be a nobody
I succeeded right from the start

If I was fated to do nothing
I have finished that already
If I was to be a loser
I was the first to come in last

If I was always a fool
I don't have to try anymore
If I went to hell as they bade me
I must certainly know the way

If I was simply worthless
I always understood my intrinsic value
If I had nowhere to go
I am already there

If I never had someone to meet
I have already met them
If I never had a thing to offer
I had already given it all up

If I never had a future
I have lived it all already
If I never had a chance
I need not fear any risk

If I have nothing left to show for
I am completely invisible at this time
If I knew not where I was going
I have not the slightest idea where I am

If I am one in a million
I know there must be uncountable millions
If I had no direction
All ways must be the same

If I was a quitter
I quit before I even started
If I had no potential
I have still done my very best

If I lost my way
it never slowed me down
If I always lived in the past
it is all over now

If I swallowed all my pride
that was not what made me fat
If I would not try hard enough
It was not all that easy

If I did not listen
I have heard it all in any case
If I had no guidance
I could not stray from the path

If I knew it all
it has left but little behind
If I wasted my best years
at least I don't remember

If I remained quite ignorant
I knew it all along
If I lacked a spine
It did not hurt to be stepped upon

If I was filled with self-contempt
how could my life be so very empty?
If I had lost my marbles
it was without a point of reference

If I were woeful and insecure
I was too afraid to say it
If my dreams were all in technicolor
I never knew black from white in reality

If I could not plan ahead
any and all actions were the same
If I lost my head
I found it filled with regrets

If I always heard only never
I easily escaped all futures
If I had been an angry young man
I morphed into a bitter old fool

If I had no sense at all
the world made perfect sense to me
If I did not use my head
I did not have to think about it

If I was not worth a damn
I really could not help them, anyway

My Life Of Whispers

Stored up a poisonous rage and acidic resentment deep inside myself over external injustices
Bristled as the less timid squeaked out their shortsighted, greedy and furtive leadership deception
Lay in bed late at night and remade the world, got up tired and went tamely off again to my dull job
Grew hoarse deep inside from shouting out the truth, without even raising the slightest whisper

Too timid to open my mouth when it counted, too afraid to really stand up for anything at all
Too insecure to be a leader, too little self-confidence to try for even the second-best schools
Unable to push my way under the lights, wrapped up too tightly in my own silly phobias
Too often called a nothing when I was quite young, drilled on my inabilities, time and again

Too long alone with self-ingrained reproaches, mine was a life of whispers, no one else should hear
Too much time wasted on a foolish depression, overly attentive to meaningless internalities
Afraid to speak out thinking I might sound as stupid as them, yet poisoned by my own angry silence
Peeping shrill protests, but only to myself, shamed into empty muteness by my screaming insecurity

Too willing to just let them rape and waste, con and steal, defile and then righteously pontificate
Cowed into an uneasy and guilty silence by the deeply ground-in knowledge that they are my betters
Unable to be driven by greed and insecurity to back-bite, face-step and ass-kiss my way to the top
Railing only to myself in the empty solitude of long nights, but without releasing the smallest sound

Responding to atrocities, extinctions and propaganda with the merest shake of my head
Harboring secret plans to someday stand up for what I never actually stated out loud I believed in
Too happily turning over mind and senses to endless channel flipping and video games
Abbreviating my thought into chopped soundbite nonsense, constantly tweeting and texting

Never dared organize, distill and commit my complaints publicly for fear of a just ridicule
Jealously would not support others who spoke out, but kept my own words jumbled up inside
Too crippled by internal contradictions to ever get to my feet on my own and speak out at all
Too deeply mired in self-loathing to get beyond a mute mediocrity they treated as tacit acceptance

Lecturing, tutoring and even preaching, but only ever to myself, and just when I was alone
Able to see my own internal contradictions well enough to keep them balled up inside
A life of impotent whispering in dark halls that was never really meant for other’s ears at all
Forced to think in shouts over the idiot noise that gradually drove me deaf, even on the inside

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

During A Lucid Interval

During a moment that I realized much later had simply been wasted
I caught a glimpse of the endless futility in all of my efforts

During an instant when I saw a fleeting outline of what might have mattered
There appeared the lasting realization of my own eternal worthlessness

During the war I lost my bearings but still kept on obeying every order
I saw myself from afar committing those endless acts of horror

During an interval in which life forced me to stop and think
Besides you, I found but little that I could truly count on

During that time when I might as well have been underwater
I saw the surface from below, and it was bright with hazy detail

During the flash I was not sure if I saw at last or had just been blinded
Then came the worry that I had never really known the difference

During an era where I crawled from the baking mud to the steaming swamp
I often looked back with fondness upon the clear blue sea

During a meeting through which I sat as if in deepest torpor
I saw myself actually permitting them to bleed my short time away

During my recovery I realized just how often I had almost died
So I tried on other futures in front of that newly illuminated mirror

During a sunrise in which I found that I was tired through and through
It seemed an eternity to yet another evening without rest

During the long trip, all of my normal routines were broken
And slowly I realized how little else was left there, inside of me

During the springtime as I became older
There came the knowledge that I grew more slowly every year

During a dream I convinced myself to no longer be so sure..
Of all those things I was seeing when I thought I was awake

During my illness I finally had the opportunity to ponder
At last I was cured, but my time to act had come and gone

During my short trip there was so much new to see
Arriving back home my eyes quickly closed up, once again

During the morning a birdsong captured my attention
I was quite aware for a moment then fell back into dull normalcy

During a lifetime spent always looking forward to now-forgotten non-events
Abruptly came the instant that would have to last me forever

During my trial I made up no new lies
But parroted the adopted truth of others as an armor of my own

During the time that the sun grew ever hotter
The sandbanks grew too warm to shelter my clutch of eggs

During the snowstorm things were perfectly clear
Then came the next day and once again I was no longer very sure at all

In the light before the dawn it seemed as if things could actually make sense
Then slowly everything dissolved back into that dusty chaos beneath the hot sun

During the stage where I was forced into thinking, I could not sleep
Mercifully it was decreed that I should not have to be so alive forever

During the executive speeches I felt an alienation tinged with anomie
Returning to my cubicle I re-donned a simple but protective cynicism

During the excitement I saw the expression of the pitchmen
After the sale, both parties were drained as if by hot sex

During the future things always seem to go faster than before
Luckily the past is not exactly what it once used to be, anymore

During this moment I tried hard merely to pause
I had planned so long for this instant and it was gone in a flash

During these thoughts both our minds wandered off
Now you stray farther taking some part of me with you

During the entire period of my personal devolution
I helped emit photons which must travel on forever thru space

During a particularly comatose and vegetative recreational interlude
I felt I was partially restored by emitting CO2 to make manly noise

During my blindness my hearing became quite acute
I heard you smiling as we lay in each other’s arms, quiet and still

During hibernation from critical thinking I slept-walked with all the others
Like most, I was never called upon to actually awaken

During the war only simple thoughts of our home could sustain us
Meanwhile we strove to exterminate just those same things of our enemies

During an epoch in which I browsed the floating plants of the ponds
There came the notion that things might not be what they seemed

During a commercial I merely glanced at the time and then went quite blank
Later in hospital I wished I might have thought of something better to do

During any form of beat down there was no ambiguity
Then came the might-haves, would-haves, should-haves and could-haves

During that instant as I flew through the air
I thought perhaps there awaited a transcendent moment

During the full moon many things moved around
At that time it was easy for me to happily scuttle about, quite unnoticed

During the celebration of that final great victory over our satanic enemies
I was struck by surprise at how little we actually knew of them

During a briefing I noted the officials appeared quite cheerful and optimistic
Up tempo despite the obvious and unstated facts quite to the contrary

During the monsoon as I sat watching everything washing away
I saw at last the wisdom in this new way of life

During years of study I realized how much smaller my knowledge appeared
So I grew more and more wary of all those who prattled on so very glibly

During the night I was awakened by some terrible unknown inaction
I lay for hours uneasy and then came a merciful unconsciousness

During my so-called career I was silenced by pretexts of professionalism
Yet no voices were raised against the many useless, backbiting, lazy suckups

During the end of anesthesia I remember swimming ever upward
I was trying very hard to hold my breath to the surface, far above

During the time when the icicles grew longer by the day
We worried about the pale sun as it kept coming later and leaving earlier

During early June we knew things would always keep getting better
I was convinced I was never meant to grow old like my father

During my last years I tried to remember what I had always wanted
Finally it seemed I was merely waiting for the last thing I would recall

During the epidemic I helped gather children’s bodies
Soon they began to wave to me from all their grotesque positions

During my first prison sentence I learned from the real masters of crime
Back on the street I vowed never to be apprehended again

During some party function the vodka finally got the best of me
Three days later I began that long train ride east in a cattle car

During her flight from the conflict she often slept in untended barns
To get a bath she might well have to bargain her wretched self

During his trial the old women hissed and spat
Fatherless children looked to the court for some explanation

During the bombings we huddled and the blood came from our ears
Later we saw that our only drinking well had been totally destroyed

During the long march they lost all contact with their homes
Thusly, was it easier for them to burn distant villages to the ground

During his lifetime our great leader always pointed out the proper way
Without his strict guidance we quickly fell into a savage ethnic cleansing

During the fire it grew dark and the smoke tinged all of our thoughts
Reports from far away hinted of a vast destruction

During my pregnancy I was raped and then kicked by the partisans
Later they returned and left me toothless but with child once again

During the hottest part of the day I could find no hope as I toiled
Still, when the merciful clouds brought gentle breezes I felt spiritually uplifted

During my lifetime I always tried to imagine those billions of years
But in the end, my 3 score and 10 still seemed like the larger part of forever

During my father’s slow passing we stood carefully, forehead to forehead
As if after long head butting we might at least part in peace

Monday, July 15, 2013

Unprotected Vision

Naively I peered beneath the lovely thin veneer of bullshit with my naked eyes
Destroyed both my retinas having neither proper guidance nor protection

Took it straight into my brain for reasons that I could not explain
While you stayed safely in the shadows and always asked me why

Ingested the potent images which harmed my inner workings
Stared straight at the radioactive glow emanating from the blistering center

Remained unaware for years of the accumulating damage
the pure whites of my eyes grew yellow and their clear lenses fogged

Gazed fixedly at things you had the commonsense to just ignore
Blinded for long periods by the searing after-images

Stumbled about as my eyes readjusted and you thought me drunk
I never understood the hazards of my unprotected vision

Could not stand the thick dark blinders which might have saved my sight
Dismissed as cowardly those who did not peer as deeply into the flames

Scorched my rods and burnt my cones until dark and light were just the same
Shorted out my optic nerve on impulses that others painlessly avoided

My visual cortex smoked and melted down from the overly-bright, chaotic flashing
Processed too many inputs that normal folks had the sense to turn aside

Stared long at harmful emissions from which they quickly looked away
Felt the grotesque images they never saw become part of my nightly dreams

Was driven by my visions into a rant that was incomprehensible to others
Finally tried to look away, but by then it was far to late to matter

At last I could no longer see even in the good light of simple daytime
Then, I illuminated everything with the rays that had made me mostly blind

Crawled off into the depths but could not be soothed, even by the empty darkness
Took to cursing your protective lenses which were broken when I got them

Stumbled more as I grew older and my sight narrowed to tiny points
Seared in vain, my eyes could not share the visions that supported you

Unprotected gazing made me blind but what I had seen would not then sustain me

Friday, July 12, 2013

Vicious Cycles

When the shame of what I have done hits me like a blow one more useless time
I feel the trap of an endless cycle which I despise but never can escape
Once again, I realize that I do not control the foolish poison I have spewed,
And wish so hard that it did not always have to turn out this silly way
Afterwards I move about without the fire, in a juvenile shame for several days thereafter
Then I reach the point where I believe that it could not occur again
More time passes and I live what I perceive to be, an almost normal life
And gradually my emotions begin their slow rebirth once more

There is less and less depression and easy laughter lightens all the loads
The memories of my former acts seem very far away, indeed
I begin to believe, without knowing it, that things will finally go my way
Brimming with self-confidence, I face the problems of my days
Looking back, it seems that I really have, at last, learned that simple lesson
Now I live without the shame that follows so quickly upon my foolish anger
Then one day, indeed, it’s not ever very long, I am in some simple situation
Before I know it, the bell rings again and, as always, I must answer

Right or wrong it does not matter, my responses are always inappropriate
Loud and obnoxious, I willingly reject all I thought that I had learned
Eager in just a brief moment to accept that age-old urge to battle
Quite in spite of the fact that I know it never does me any good at all
I notice, but easily ignore, the not-so-subtle cues in each of these situations
The thought of being disrespected leading to a faster heart rate
The flush that creeps up to my face and the dilation of my eyes
Things I know are my own worst enemies, but by then it’s far too late

Part of me watches helplessly, simply cataloging the errors that I repeat
Part of me grows yet angrier, just knowing that I am losing control once again
My rationality becomes impaired and my judgment is affected
I cannot present my arguments in a clear or effective manner

In the back of my mind, I note that things are going badly
And then somehow I realize that I must have nothing left to lose
I give up all good hope and toss off my thin veil of civility all together
And at that point I do not really care anymore: Fuck whatever happens
Then it becomes a contest of sharp phrases and aggressive body language
A struggle not of minds but of emotions and ill will
There is no real pleasure in this pointless conflict behavior
But there never seems to be a way to escape them gracefully

Toe to toe we stand, exchanging insults instead of information
Unable to communicate anything more than a powerful subconscious hatred
Finally something breaks the spell and it is over for another time
A brief triumphal interlude ensues in which I am glad to be alive
Then comes the brutal truth of the redundant stupidity of my angry actions
At that point the foolish cycle begins again and I see blackly that, there is no escape

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Finally gave up asking why

Never knew why he struck that other man so hard with that jagged piece of metal
Something always came over them and they had this overwhelming urge to just lash out

No reason was found when they shot all those men then gang raped their women
It was a long-simmering feud between two genetically identical groups in different clothes

Never knew why we kicked in their faces and then laughed as they lay bleeding
Many years later it seemed like just one more lowly task in another bad job

Did not understand why soldiers abused us and left us in poverty, with bastard children
They could not see our simple need for mercy and sweet grace in time to help

Always wondered about tossing plague dead inside those besieged castles
Was it the same reason we gave the Indians those smallpox-ridden blankets?

Had not a clue why they skewered us on sticks covered with their own shit
Would not ask why we showered them with napalm and agent orange

Never knew why that laughing Asian boy lost half a leg to an old land mine
Failed to comprehend that she stuffed her newborn into an empty milk carton

Tried to make sense of drugged children on rampages with machine guns
Could not give any reasons for their after school torture of that stray cat

Did not find a single flaw in the convoluted logic of the mass murderer
Lacked any sense that evil needed to fear any retribution now or in any future

Did not have any excuses for molesting those they entrusted me to teach
Found it useless to question my need to drink myself into dementia

Asked all the wise men why they did not act to put an end to war at last
Never knew why hatred came much faster and easier than simple kindness

Surprised by my discovery of the hidden list of those I would gladly kill
Could not side with the Hutus or the Tutsis, the Sunnis or the Shiites

Did not reflect upon the soulless corporate slaughter of the chickens, pigs and cows
Did not even question our need for more biological, nuclear and chemical weapons

Never knew why he wound up punching his wife until she cried and begged
Refused to see the violent cycle they always began following once again

Had no issue with light punishment for those boys who set a lost dog on fire
After all, it was just in fun and they likely would not harm a human being...

Barely skimmed short filler paragraph on the weekly killing of one more homeless vet
Ignored the righteous fury that goaded others to bomb abortion clinics

Never knew why he was instantly filled with terrible rage, sitting alone in his car
Did not ask how generations of the sons of single mothers filled up our prisons

Shook my head and strapped on a bomb to die killing civilian infidels for His glory
Could not imagine any deity that would leave those children bleeding on the street

Gave up wondering how the church spent the money given by the poor
How quickly he forgot the 20 illegales who suffocated inside his van in the desert

Was faintly surprised by the rape of starving refugees in filthy desert camps
Saw as their bloated babies witnessed with flies in their eyes

Did not question that a god of love and mercy demanded so many deaths
Never even considered that being rich did not require being wasteful

Never cared that automatic rifles were easier to obtain than vaccinations
Did not ask about why our peace loving democracy exported so many weapons

Was not too curious why the old and helpless were beaten, conned and robbed
Raised no issues over aiding brutally repressive dictatorships - for many decades

Never asked why education was required for driving but not for having children
Was confused for just a moment hearing that foreigners sold their own internal organs

Did not need to ask any questions as faraway oceans were stripped of life
Did not understand how AIDS orphans could turn to child prostitution

Never knew why fanatics around the world would hate us with such virulence
Heard with their hearts as their Creator denied those Godless evolutionists

Was slightly bemused about the fuzzy thinkers pushing their climate hoax
Had not the time to consider the depth of poverty all across the world

Observed in disbelief the power of one musty book as the universe expanded at light speed
Was not concerned that oil, water, air and land vanished quickly...worldwide

Watched unwanted girls arrive from china as our fatherless black boys grew up in jail
Rode in windows-up, air-conditioned comfort past dirty slums filled with lazy, shiftless sinners

Never even pondered how global corporate consolidation might actually advance human society
Did not realize how many drank and bathed just below where others shit

Never cared a bit when they stopped seeking the wisdom and advice of their elders
Were not interested in asking their merciful God why war was simply part of their nature

Had no time to actually consider their goals but always looked to achieve them even faster
Did not find any real answers among the heavy reams of fine print legalese

Just didn’t quite see how our traffic jams ruined the lifestyle of the polar bear
Did not really notice as earth’s richness was ever so thoughtlessly stripped away

Never considered seriously that man was a product of nature just like all the other animals
Could not grasp why billions hauled wood and water every day for cooking and drinking

Never knew why such as PCBs and asbestos, lead and mercury caused such a fuss
Was not convinced by junk science astrophysics but totally bought into religious fundamentalism

Was not too concerned with the distant genocide of those who lived in landfills
Did not question that the righteous joined their savior forever in a heavenly paradise

Could not see the reason that armed men led her quiet husband off that day
Quit bothering to ask the padre why the lord would permit this awful thing or that

Kept finding so little reason in those many life and death situations
Searched for any meaning left in the rubble from the bomb that killed that little girl

Finally gave up asking why they had to shoot at different soldiers every day
Never knew why her little puppy had to run out in front of that speeding car

Kept trying to get us to believe that their getting richer trickled down to help the poor
Never did help those smiling kids with their dirty clothes, greasy hair and muddy feet

Praised the Lord and let His will be done, without posing those sticky questions
Never asked why churches ran like franchises yet paid no taxes whatsoever

Never determined why country folk made alcohol, meth and opioids part of the heartland
Did not get used to those short dark strangers speaking Spanish in damn America

Never knew why one died in Iraq and another was shot dead on his porch
Took comfort in faith and gained a distracting relief from vexing mysteries

In the end did not understand why others lived on but one dollar every day
Should not have questioned why she had never heard any of those happy songbirds

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Slightly Above Average Man

Slightly above average, that man, a merest notch more than ordinary
Just smart enough to see how boring and useless was the nature of his life
Mired deeply in common torture with his mouth barely clearing the muck of mediocrity

Sentenced to be able to fully grasp the futility of his present,
Seeing the waste that is his past and predicting the folly in his future
Yes, able to see and understand, but no, not able to control or to alter

Consciousness of this simple absolute truth brings on a muted disappointment
Yet another former would-be, still not quite sure what, might-have-been
Above average but also not possessed of that great drive to riches or to power

A man above the average, but not nearly enough, and that he knows for sure
Not head and shoulders above the crowd but, frustratingly, almost above eye level
A notch above the masses, but so far below those he must always look up to

just a ittle more than average, man, just enough to really know his place
Just enough for sad regrets, just enough to be able to see his shortcomings
Just barely above enough to catch a glimmer of what his betters contest

Friday, June 28, 2013

Darkness At The End Of Fall

Without leaves, tree branches glisten from late November rain
reflecting an empty light from the gray sky on the dead grass below

unshaven men in dirty clothes muddy their tattered shoes leaving old cars
soaked litter lies hopelessly where the wind draped it weeks ago

somehow the crows locate calmly-moving death and gather like huge flies
off in the muffled distance, an empty freight train squeals

muzzle frozen in a grimace a dead dog bloats down in the brown grass swale
the dark evergreen casts no shadow as a church bell strikes off noon

cold floors and dark closets await behind the dirty windows
rusting metal appears where the weedy shrubs long ago lost their leaves

naked lightbulbs hang dim from bare cords in moldy stooping-low basements
old pipes groan all night yet bring but very little dry and brittle heat

the light gives up completely in what seems like early afternoon
the muffling darkness grows stronger as it slows life every day

the mud grows hard in the morning after the puddles have skimmed with ice
the sun shines wanly an hour a week then quickly disappears

the nights are absent moon and stars beneath a low gray ceiling
colored lights are used to try and ward off the gathering gloom

cars idle inside steamy clouds of their own wastes and the people stay indoors
now the old, sick or weak fall prey to the first wave of infections

brown and rain-soaked dead leaves molder in every corner
lifeless flower beds sadly mock us with their current promise

sleep increases with the length of night and tiredness overtakes us all
there is little joy upon awakening in the gray and damp and cold

the lakes move steadily towards freezing and look duller than the skies
far off dogs bark away the dark hours in their lonely solitude

a howling wind springs up to freeze the rain upon the pavement
women shiver and grow pale as their skin dries to thinnest parchment

And castoffs walk the streets alone, absorbed in careful examination of the darkness

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Who knows why I could not listen

who knows who I might have been
if someone would have spoken and I could have listened
who knows what I could have discovered
if I could have found myself

who knows where I would have journeyed
for had I even found a clue, I still would have feared to travel
who knows if I ever even came of age
since I always worshiped only youth

who knows why I did all those things I now must regret
it simply would not matter, if only they still made sense today
who knows how I poisoned every good opportunity
if I had really tried, I could not have done it any better

who knows who I might have worked with
if I did not always keep anger so close at hand
who knows what I could have become
if that blackness had not dwelt so deep inside

who knows where I would have settled
if I were not forced to flee myself so often
who knows when I might have slowed down
if I had not given myself up as very broken

who knows why I did not listen
if I ever even thought of that, I did not pay attention
who knows how I grew so tired
if I never really worked too hard at all

who knows who could have helped me on my way
if I was not sure where I was going
who knows what I was thinking
if I always thought I never had a clue

who knows where I would have stopped
if reality had not at last got in my way
who knows when I stopped living for the future
if I never stopped trying to forget my past

who knows if the doors would still have stopped opening
if I had not let them hit me as I left again, in the past
who knows how I was mistaken for one of the living
if I was the walking zombie I knew inside

who knows why I felt so empty
if I really was as full of shit as I believed
who knows how I stayed alive throughout the endless years
if I thought my life had ended so very long ago

who knows who I might not have brought to tears
if I could have just felt myself in her place
who knows what remains behind
if I come from a past that was always lived for today

who knows where I finally saw myself
if I was always running, and never looking back
who knows when I started trying just to slow down
if I now go downhill so fast, quite out of control

who knows why I act like such a macho
if I know I am a chicken-shit disgrace
who knows how much time I should not have wasted
if I wished to age without regrets

who knows who might have helped this boy
if I had not been too much of a man to ask
who knows what I might have heard
if I could have stilled those inner voices

who knows where I picked up so many wrong ideas
if I would not listen to anyone at all
who knows when I first looked up and saw the game was over
if I still appear to strive to win

who knows why I thought we were somehow different
if I just look around at all the things we’ve done
who knows how often I started over
if I am still so very close to the beginning

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Bag Man’s Tale

        An ode to the necessary medical removal of human dignity
Shuffling so very slowly down the street with your head cast sadly down
Carefully, so very carefully, one foot painfully, and barely, after another
Each step awaiting agony, with every tiny bump a shooting pain
Yet, that last one was not that bad, maybe just one more might be all right

How can you really help yourself when you walk so stiffly and so slowly?
Perhaps you should have just remained drugged and on your back in bed
So tired now after a tortured quarter-mile covered in just under 20 minutes
Young children sense fearfully the malignancy that controls your painful gait

Even small dogs, emboldened by your weakness, approach to run you off
There is no point in even looking at the young men passing by
And the women really do not see your faint shadow from their shiny cars
But the old people nod in recognition, remembering well, at the sight of you

Creeping along not lifting your feet or ever even bending your knees
Bag man with that disgusting mystery no one ought to see
Practicing the humility with which debasement has replaced your dignity
When they say that things could be worse they often point at you

Bag man, gray face sculpted by chronic pain into a wickedly grinning skull
Trying very desperately to walk so smoothly that he won’t feel a thing
Toenails grown long and yellow, white stubble and hairy earlobes
What made you scuttle into the light In those funny, wrinkled bedclothes?

Your sparse hair is sticking out in all directions and you don’t know or care
You’re too thin and the children see the yellow bruises from all of your injections
The muscles in your long thin neck distend as you grit your teeth with every step
Onlookers long to scream, just straighten up your back and walk upright like a man

The shabby slippers that you are wearing look so very wrong out on the street
Your weak presence both a lesson and an affront to the busy lives of others
Mr. Bagman shuffle back home now and fumble through all your medications
You’ve become all those things you never thought you could possibly grow up to be

Your pallor is unnerving and there is a redness about the whites of your eyes
You try to avoid their glances and answer in strained monosyllables
Your life reduced to merest painful basics, not unlike those great oriental Zen masters
Finding vast relief in the simple stillness following the great suffering of your trek

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Would you really do something meaningful?

Are you so sure it ends up all the same that the toxics in your wake are easy to forget
Are you just as good as dead but still wasting resources while steadily increasing your debt
Do things seem to be moving faster though you are slowing down
Is there another sound bite to be swallowed every time you turn around

Are you absolutely convinced you could make no difference so you’ve nothing to regret
Why must you wantonly and guiltlessly smash and grab just as goddamn much as you can get
Do you live just for today, without any history, or even memory of the past
Are you striving to go for the gusto but merely gaining weight way, way too fast

Is it really just that you are so sure you can’t do anything that matters, anyhow
Is it all so overwhelming that you must just lay there flipping channels on the couch
Are you too old, too ugly or too poor to take part in this orgy of mass consumption
Does your anger spiral down into thinner layers of increasingly-black depression

Would you really do something meaningful if you were simply given just one more chance
Are you standing up for your beliefs or aping some advertiser’s well-scripted stance
Is there truly nothing you can do or is it way easier to float than to try to make a difference
Is it the end of the world or just a bunch of wacko conspiracy, junk-science nonsense

Have you found your true calling or are you just fiddling with your iPod
Are you quite positive that it all gets done with a cynical smirk, a wink and a nod
How many different ways have you found to say real loud that you just don’t give a fuck
How is it that your success to date really differs from plain and simple, dumb luck

Are you rushing hard and ever faster at goals that you have never even specified
Did you go out to contemplate the cold black emptiness and run back, quite petrified
Do you trust that blind individual hyper-patriotic greed earns the blessing of your god
Or is there a sense that the movers and the shakers are all part of some greater fraud